Grenke Rental Programme

Imagine having a top-quality LED screen to promote your business without a substantial upfront investment. We make it possible.

In today’s competitive market, visibility and standing out are crucial for success. However, many businesses struggle to access high-quality advertising solutions without overstretching their budget. This is where we provide an innovative and effective alternative. Let us introduce you to our Rental Programme.

What is our Rental Programme?

We offer a 3-year rental service for LED screens, allowing you to benefit from the latest technology for a small monthly fee. This plan not only grants you access to the best technology without straining your finances but also includes installation, maintenance, and continuous technical support.

This way, you can focus on what truly matters: growing your business.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Our programme allows you to rent advertising equipment, such as LED screens, by paying fixed monthly instalments over a 3-year period, instead of making a significant initial investment.

Key benefits include cost savings, access to state-of-the-art technology for enhanced advertising, flexible payments, and included maintenance and technical support.

No, only LED screens valued over €500 are included.

Absolutely! Paying for the screens in easy instalments makes them more accessible, ensuring your business's finances are not impacted.

No, our programme covers both installation and maintenance, so you can focus solely on growing your business.

The first step is to contact our customer service through the form provided below, so we can offer you detailed information about the programme and the best advice based on your situation.

We are here to help. Request your information!

We also receive your query via phone/whatsapp

  • 932 418 081
  • L-V: 09:00 - 21:00h / S: 09:30 - 13:30